Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Day

Mothers Day

Hwy 379

Hello all! Welcome to Alex and my blog of Heart n' Seoul. I thought you may find it amusing to view our escapades. So this is the 3rd time Alex and I have ventured out on our 50cc scooter into the mountains of South Korea. This time we decided to drive down one of the worst roads we have encountered yet. Averaging about 300 pounds on a entirely too small scooter is risky in my opinion, nonetheless we took our chances in hopes the road would connect further down the mountain. We followed this beautiful stream and the road eventually connected (following our instincts rather than the jeep of Korean guys telling us to "not continue") to the countryside. Korea is so BEAUTIFUL in the spring time. Let me remind you I arrived around mid-December, so for the last six months it has been sub zero degrees! This purchase was one of the best thus yet! The trip lasted about two hours by the time we found our way back to Dongdoucheon and a gas station just in time. (5,ooo won for 80km!)